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Baby Acne - Causes and Cure

It is an acne-like eruption of the cheeks, which occurs predominantly in baby boys in the first weeks of their life. It is the reaction of a baby's skin to a relative imbalance of male (androgenic) and female (estrogenic) hormones in the baby's system following withdrawal of maternal estrogens after delivery. It is non-scarring and requires no treatment or control but needs treatment to reduce irritating itching.

This condition may come and go until the baby is between 4 and 6 months old. Since your baby isn't producing these levels of hormones, once you're done breast feeding and they're out of it's system, the acne will clear up. Beware of formula containing soy milk, which has been shown to include very high levels of hormone mimicking materials and thus may even promote puberty effects at a few months of age, such as breast development and pubic hair growth (1 percent at age 3 months).

Baby acne is most prominent when your son is hot or fussy (increased blood flow to the skin), or when his skin is irritated. Oils and lotions do not help, and may actually aggravate baby acne. Parents are often recommended to apply a little over-the-counter medicine such as hydrocortisone cream for baby acne , but an ionic colloidal silver solution is a far safer remedy and generally more effective, as it kills the bacteria that live on the excess oil, plus stops the itching!


More than 30 percent of babies are born with, or more commonly, develop a rash soon after birth. There are various types of rashes, baby acne being one form. This form of acne usually begins when a baby is around 3 weeks, and can last until the baby is 4 or 6 months old. Baby acne is perfectly normal, and is caused by hormones passed to the baby, through the placenta, before birth. These hormones stimulate the oil glands on your baby's skin, leading to baby acne. In addition to acne, the hormones may also cause your newborn son or daughter to have tiny breasts. These breast buds are in no way permanent, and all soon disappear with time. Sometimes newborn girls may have some vaginal bleeding, similar to a period. This is also due to hormones passed on to the girl, and is not a cause for concern. The bleeding will stop soon enough, and will not recur until your daughter is an adolescent.


Often, the baby's skin breaks out into pimples, and while most of the acne is in the form of red rash, whiteheads are also common. While the acne will be most visible on the face, a few pimples may appear on the chest and arms as well. If your child is agitated for some reason, heated up or unwell, the rash may become more severe, causing you further anxiety. Similarly, if his skin is irritated, the rash will worsen. Take care not to wash your child's towels or bibs in harsh detergents, as these may irritate the skin if not carefully and completely washed off. Make it a point to gently clean out saliva or milk from his face, so they do not cause further irritation.


Clean his face with water gently, and use a mild baby soap to wash his face. There is no need to rush around looking for a cure. Baby rash disappears on its own, with time, so applying oils and medications will not help, and are in any case, not required. In fact, applying oils will almost definitely cause the acne to worsen.


Make sure this is indeed acne, and the rash is not just because your baby is allergic to something. If you feel your child may have an allergy, keep a lookout for any possible allergens, and keep them away from your baby.

Winter Care

If your baby has acne, how do you look after her skin in the winter? Always remember, use less moisturizers and stay away from heavy creams. Use light, non-scented lotions. Also, make sure you do not over-bundle your child. Your baby will show her discomfort if she is too cold, but will not, if she is too warm. As a result, your child's skin will break out into a heat rash (yes, heat rash is surprisingly common in the winter too) worsening her acne. So if you take your baby outdoors in the winter, cover her up well, but make sure you remove some of the layers when you bring your child indoors.

And finally, there is no reason to believe that just because your child has had baby acne, she will be susceptible to teenage acne. At times, the babies with the severest acne have grown up to develop flawless skin.

Blackhead Treatment & Blackhead Removal

Blackheads are some of the most common types of pimples, this is especially true for those who have an oily skin type. Although, it was once common to believe that blackheads were caused by not washing the skin properly, however, now we know that they are caused by the build up of oil on the skin.

Blackheads appear black, because of the oil clogging the pores becoming dark when oxidized by air, causing pimples known as blackheads. Meanwhile, the melanin pigment of the skin contributes to their darkness in color. In order to properly remove blackheads, you must remove their cause, which is the excess of oil and dead skin cells.

Always use gentle products for treating and eliminating blackheads, since harsher products will actually strip the skin of necessary essential oils. This in turn can cause the skin to produce more oil, that will eventually clog your pores and cause the process to be repeated, time and time again.

Natural products that contain natural oils for cleansing the skin are most often preferred by those who suffer from acne, since they are so much more gentle. These types of oils are similar to the natural oil of our skin, and do not clog the pores of our skin as will those products formulated with synthetic ingredients.

It is important to gently exfoliate your skin daily to remove any dead skin cells, which will keep the pores from becoming blocked by dead skin cells. However, you must be careful to use this type of product gently, in order to keep from over exfoliating and causing skin irritations. Do not use any skin care product that includes mineral oil, alcohol and other harsh chemically formulated products that can cause inflammation or skin irritation.

Never attempt to extract blackheads forcibly, since squeezing or picking at them may only remove some of the blackhead, while pushing the remainder of it further into the surrounding skin tissue, which eventually cause even more infection and irritation. It is always best to use gentler products that aid in the drying up of blackheads, so that they do go away on their own. Although, it may take more time to see results than trying to get rid of them forcibly it is much better for your long term skin care by allowing them to naturally heal, by themselves.

Although it is considered that a diet has no effect on the occurrences of acne, it is still wise to eat a well balanced diet. And there are many physicians to maintain the idea that a proper diet can decrease the amount of oil a body will produce, while providing the proper hydration that moisturizes the skin, which in turn will encourage the healthy growth of new skin cells. This will aid in decreasing the appearance of blackheads and hinder the formation of new pimples.

Although, blackheads are more common for those who have oily skin, any skin type has the potential to develop blackheads, even if they do not occur regularly. Always choose your skin care products carefully, since they are vital for keeping your skins complexion healthy and radiant. Remember to eat healthy, while keeping your body well hydrated, since water is essential for healthy skin.

When blackheads occur remember to take the proper steps for eliminating them and be gentle to your skin always. You should consult a skin care specialist, when you are not able to amply treat blackheads by the use of over the counter products.

Acne Treatments and Cure

Acne is a skin disease caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland). Severe acne is inflammatory, but acne can also manifest in noninflammatory forms. Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, spots, or zits.

Acne is most common during adolescence, affecting more than 85% of teenagers, and frequently continues into adulthood. For most people, acne diminishes over time and tends to disappear—or at the very least decrease—after one reaches his or her early twenties. There is, however, no way to predict how long it will take to disappear entirely, and some individuals will continue to suffer well into their thirties, forties and beyond.

Effective Acne Treatments
The type of acne treatment you need depends a great deal on the severity of your acne as well as its causes. Treatments for acne vary from over the counter anti-spot creams and lotions, nutritional programs, medications, and natural herbal treatments.

Acne care products can help mild acne and should be combined with a program to help identify the root causes and factors of your acne condition to ensure the problem does not recur. The root cause of why some people get acne and some do not is not fully known. It is known to be partly hereditary, partly hormonal and even prolonged periods of stress can cause an outbreak.

There are many types of anti-spot creams, acne washes and pimple lotions available on the market making it difficult to choose one that is effective. These skin care products are usually quite effective in helping improve skin hygiene and soothe your skin. Some acne treatment products are very expensive but this does not mean they are more effective, so its recommended that you try the more affordable products first. Widely available over the counter bactericidal products containing benzoyl peroxide may be used in mild to moderate acne. Care must be taken when using benzoyl peroxide, as it can very easily bleach any fabric or hair it comes in contact with.

Acne Medications
There are many kinds of acne medications but there are no "quick fixes". Severe pimple outbreaks usually require prescription medication. Prescription medications used to treat pimple outbreaks include isotretinoin, which is a retinoid. Historically, antibiotics such as tetracyclines and erythromycin were prescribed. While they were more effective than topical applications of benzoyl peroxide, the bacteria eventually grew resistant to the antibiotics and the treatments became less and less effective.

Externally applied antibiotics such as erythromycin, clindamycin, Stievamycin, or tetracycline kill the bacteria that are harbored in the blocked follicles. While topical use of antibiotics is equally as effective as oral use, this method avoids possible side effects.

Natural Acne Treatments
Natural acne treatments usually involves handling any nutritional deficiencies, intolerances, allergies as well as improving skin hygiene. There is a wide range of of natural acne treatment products and herbal remedies that comes in the form of capsules that are taken daily like regular vitamin pills. These acne supplements work on the basis that an imbalance in our body chemistry causes an over production of oil which ends up on our skin. A total approach may also touch upon lifestyle habits which may be causing your acne problems. You can see a nutritionist and dermatologist to help you devise a more effective acne treatment program.

Overall, the most effective acne treatment is a natural approach. If you address nutritional problems, improve skin hygiene as well as eliminate the root causes, you will gradually see improvements in your acne condition.

Acne cover-up tips

Applying make-up to cover Acne:

Your three acne hiding weapons will be a concealer, a foundation and a finishing powder. Stay away from the dollar store and use only brand names that you can trust. e.g. MAC or Make Up For Ever

Step #1: Apply the concealer in a light dabbing motion directly to any dark blotches or red areas that the acne has produced on your skin. Blend the concealer in using a disposable facial sponge. Use the concealer sparingly. You can always apply more if you need it but you don't want to layer it on too thickly. It will look terrible when it dries.

Step #2: Apply the foundation sparingly as well and use a light dabbing motion here too. Blend the foundation with your sponge and reapply to any areas that need it.

Step #3: Apply a light layer of the oil-free powder using a large makeup brush. This will take care of any shine that the acne concealer and foundation left behind and it will give you an even and finished look.

Following are some useful tips to improve your beauty habits and avoid cosmetic acne.

Re-using an acne concealer applicator

You have an acne and you wish to conceal it before a big date or an event. However, no matter how little time you have, never dip your concealer applicator in the bottle and apply the liquid cover directly to the inflamed zit. Reapplying concealer to your face with the applicator provided by the manufacturer may spread more bacteria.

To avoid this, apply your acne concealer with a cotton swab or disposable facial sponge and never, ever use the applicator stick provided by the concealer manufacturer. This will make sure that your concealer applications are always fresh and free of acne causing bacteria.

Re-using a foundation sponge

The reasons for not re-using a foundation sponge are the same as the reason for not re-using a concealer applicator. Never use the foundation sponge provided by the manufacturer of the foundation. Instead, use a cotton ball or a disposable foundation sponge to apply your foundation. This way, each of your foundation applications will be clean.

Pressing on your acne when applying makeup

Do you have the habit of piling layers of makeup onto your face? Always apply your makeup and moisturizer with light strokes. The added benefit of light facial handling is that you reduce stretching and irritating your skin, a combination that can help limit the onset of wrinkles and acne breakouts. If you need more coverage, buy a professional acne concealer made by MAC or Make Up For Ever.

Not evenly applying concealers and foundations

When applying makeup or a moisturizer, spread it evenly across the entire face. Keep in mind that hair styling products may have spread to your hairline and this increases the chances of the pores getting congested and acne arising. Add more concealer where you have acne outbreaks. Also, while cleansing your face, apply a warm cloth onto your hairline area to help remove the waxy build-up that comes from hair styling agents, moisturizers and makeup.

Before you go to bed

Wash your face throughly to remove all makeup before you go to bed, but preferably as soon as you can after you return home. You want your skin to breath and your acne to get as much fresh air as possible.

A note of caution:

Choose only oil-free makeup products that match your skin tone. Oil-free is the key to success here so read the labels carefully. You don't want to aggravate your existing acne problem by layering a fresh coat of oil on skin that already has too much to begin with. Choose a hypoallergenic brand while you're at it.

Use the best natural product Lemon

Lemon and almond oil lotion for beautiful hands:
You will agree that your hands are on show just as much as your face. Pamper your hands with this simple & inexpensive lotion. Mix 3 tsp lemon juice, 6 tsp honey and 8 tsp almond oil in a dish. Massage well into hands for 10 to 12 minutes. Wash with a mixture of equal portions of vinegar and water. Preserve this lotion in a bottle for use on your hands. This lotion keeps well for 2 weeks.

Lemon and yoghurt pre-bath gel:
Turmeric when combined with lemon and starch, acts as an effective cleanser and also forms a barrier between the drying effect of chlorinated water and body skin. The following is an excellent body pack.
Mix 8 tsp of yoghurt (curds), 3 tsp. Lemon juice, 1 tsp of any vegetable oil. Apply this body pack with firm, upward movements. Wash off after 10 minutes and take a bath. This is perhaps one of the oldest skin rejuvenation therapies. Use this at least thrice a week for a satiny skin.

Lemon as natural bleach
Mix equal proportions of tomato juice, lemon juice and milk and apply on face and body. Lemon as a skin tonic
The juice of a fresh pear and apple with a few drops of fresh lemon juice acts as a good skin tonic.

Lemon face scrub
Mix cold milk and fresh lemon juice with powdered almonds or powdered orange peel or oatmeal. Rub the skin gently with this mix. Mix a tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of finely ground almonds and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Rub this gently on the face. Rinse off with warm water.
Lemon as an anti-wrinkle mask
Mix a teaspoon of honey, a few drops of fresh lemon juice and a drop of sweet almond oil. Apply this on the face and allow it to dry for 20 minutes and wash off.

Lemon for dark elbows
Rub lemon halves and then wash off with water. Over a period of time, it will cleanse the skin and lighten its color.

Lemon and papaya face pack for oily skin
Mix ½ tsp turmeric powder, 2 tsp lemon juice, 3 tsp papaya pulp to a smooth paste. Apply evenly over the face (keeping away from the eyes). Leave the pack on for 20 minutes and then wash it off.

Lemon for complexion
Lemon contains enzymes which help to cleanse the skin of dead cells. Sprinkling a little alum on a lemon half and rubbing the mixture on your face helps tremendously to refresh and tone the skin. It also acts as a quick pick-me-up after a long pollution filled day.

Face and body pack with lemon and milk

A fresh lime may be squeezed into a cup of milk to which a teaspoon of glycerin may be added. Stir well. Apply it on your face, neck, hands, legs and feet, an hour before retiring to bed. Keep it on for half an hour and then wash off. This application every night will make the skin look younger and beautiful. This application works well on pimples and scars, is good for cracked soles and palms, dryness of face and hands, and sun-burn.

Lemon - cheap and best cure for acne!

Lemon for smooth skin

Mash an over-ripe banana and mix it with a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Apply on face and hands to keep the skin clear and smooth. Mix a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and one fourth of a teaspoon of lemon juice. Rub this into the hands, elbows, heels and any area that feels dry. Leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse with water.

Lemon and honey face pack for dryskin

Mix 3 tsp lemon juice, 3 tsp honey, ½ tsp cabbage (boiled and crushed) paste. Mix to a paste all these ingredients in a dish and apply it on face and neck; wash off with cold water after 10 minutes and admire the new “you”!

Lemon and almond face pack for freckles

To remove freckles, blanch and grind almonds and mix with white of an egg to which half tsp of lime juice has been added. Spread on the face and wash after 20 minutes.