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Acne Treatments and Cure

Acne is a skin disease caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland). Severe acne is inflammatory, but acne can also manifest in noninflammatory forms. Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, spots, or zits.

Acne is most common during adolescence, affecting more than 85% of teenagers, and frequently continues into adulthood. For most people, acne diminishes over time and tends to disappear—or at the very least decrease—after one reaches his or her early twenties. There is, however, no way to predict how long it will take to disappear entirely, and some individuals will continue to suffer well into their thirties, forties and beyond.

Effective Acne Treatments
The type of acne treatment you need depends a great deal on the severity of your acne as well as its causes. Treatments for acne vary from over the counter anti-spot creams and lotions, nutritional programs, medications, and natural herbal treatments.

Acne care products can help mild acne and should be combined with a program to help identify the root causes and factors of your acne condition to ensure the problem does not recur. The root cause of why some people get acne and some do not is not fully known. It is known to be partly hereditary, partly hormonal and even prolonged periods of stress can cause an outbreak.

There are many types of anti-spot creams, acne washes and pimple lotions available on the market making it difficult to choose one that is effective. These skin care products are usually quite effective in helping improve skin hygiene and soothe your skin. Some acne treatment products are very expensive but this does not mean they are more effective, so its recommended that you try the more affordable products first. Widely available over the counter bactericidal products containing benzoyl peroxide may be used in mild to moderate acne. Care must be taken when using benzoyl peroxide, as it can very easily bleach any fabric or hair it comes in contact with.

Acne Medications
There are many kinds of acne medications but there are no "quick fixes". Severe pimple outbreaks usually require prescription medication. Prescription medications used to treat pimple outbreaks include isotretinoin, which is a retinoid. Historically, antibiotics such as tetracyclines and erythromycin were prescribed. While they were more effective than topical applications of benzoyl peroxide, the bacteria eventually grew resistant to the antibiotics and the treatments became less and less effective.

Externally applied antibiotics such as erythromycin, clindamycin, Stievamycin, or tetracycline kill the bacteria that are harbored in the blocked follicles. While topical use of antibiotics is equally as effective as oral use, this method avoids possible side effects.

Natural Acne Treatments
Natural acne treatments usually involves handling any nutritional deficiencies, intolerances, allergies as well as improving skin hygiene. There is a wide range of of natural acne treatment products and herbal remedies that comes in the form of capsules that are taken daily like regular vitamin pills. These acne supplements work on the basis that an imbalance in our body chemistry causes an over production of oil which ends up on our skin. A total approach may also touch upon lifestyle habits which may be causing your acne problems. You can see a nutritionist and dermatologist to help you devise a more effective acne treatment program.

Overall, the most effective acne treatment is a natural approach. If you address nutritional problems, improve skin hygiene as well as eliminate the root causes, you will gradually see improvements in your acne condition.


  1. Acne Treatment said...

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  2. Cheap Laser Treatment said...

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  3. kennyriss said...

    I have proven that this Acne Treatment

    ..will help you get rid of acne, cure and will make your skin progressively improved.
    Acne was reduced resulting in clearer and healthier skin….
    it focuses INTERNALLY and EXTERNALLY to target acne effectively…
    Thank you so much. I am now free from ACNE.! :)

  4. Anonymous said...

    When I was in high school one of my biggest challenges is treating all my acne and pimples.You know, as teenagers, we’d try out my sisters’ beauty products when she’s away. It started out like that until I noticed that it’s really working so well on my skin. Then I just had to ask her where she got those products and how do I get them too. I was so surprised that it was actually her business already! My sister assisted me in starting my own business with Purity 12. Now, I’m really proud to say that I’ve earned enough from Purity 12 to actually go to college all on my own and financially independent. I couldn’t imagine how my life could have been so boring if I had not discovered Purity 12. You should really go try their products, I’m 100% sure you’ll also love them. Try it now!http://if1s.com?137

  5. fraNKlin said...

    The most natural acne treatment for is dieting. Minimize eating on fried foods, caffeine, chocolate, carbonated drinks, salt, wheat, and even milk can make acne worse. It's better to eat more vegetables and fruits instead of salty or sugar packed foods. It is also recommended to increase your vitamin A, zinc and Vitamin B6 levels in your body. And you may also take some supplements, but by consuming foods that are high in these three vitamins will drastically help your skin condition. It is one of the most natural acne treatment.

  6. Anonymous said...

    I definitely want to find a natural effective way to cure acne. People often wonder will-homeopathic acne treatment work. I believe it will.

  7. newshealthtoday said...

    Acute and critical spots in adults may perhaps be an indication of an fundamental endocrine disarray. Read more acne facts and treatment at newshealthtoday.

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